Friday, June 4, 2010

room makeovers equals fun

* You’ve got stacks of old magazines and you’re ready to just chuck them all out?

well STOP what you're doing and don’t just chuck them out, It’s time to get creative with all those old magazines.
All you need is - Some scissors, old magazines, and some blue-tac.

1. Sort through and cut out all sorts of your favorite pictures or photos and cut them out of magazines or print them off.
2. Grab a blob of blue-tac and create a cute collage on your wall or door!
3. You're done!

It’s easy; brightens your room up; looks great and you don’t have to buy anything new.

* Paint!?
Paint it always a great way to change your room, having just one coloured feature wall looks amazing, with some photos or magazine pictures and your fave celebrities, it just brightens your room and makes you feel happy.

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