Tuesday, June 8, 2010

punch buggy rainbow.

Cushions, pillows and blankets are the thing to see covered in patterned materials.
But did you ever think that something you drive would be covered in not only paint, but different materials.
t makes the car look soft enough to sit on.
So when you see this little buggy driving around what colour are you suppose to punch buggy?

World’s cutest fashion car! ;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

room makeovers equals fun

* You’ve got stacks of old magazines and you’re ready to just chuck them all out?

well STOP what you're doing and don’t just chuck them out, It’s time to get creative with all those old magazines.
All you need is - Some scissors, old magazines, and some blue-tac.

1. Sort through and cut out all sorts of your favorite pictures or photos and cut them out of magazines or print them off.
2. Grab a blob of blue-tac and create a cute collage on your wall or door!
3. You're done!

It’s easy; brightens your room up; looks great and you don’t have to buy anything new.

* Paint!?
Paint it always a great way to change your room, having just one coloured feature wall looks amazing, with some photos or magazine pictures and your fave celebrities, it just brightens your room and makes you feel happy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

goodbye summer

Now that Summer is gone and Autumn has already kicked it’s almost time for winter and the weather is getting colder and colder; but we’re still wanting to wear Summer dresses. – Well there’s no need to worry because you can still wear a summer dress but you won’t have to freeze to death; thanks to this cute outfit everything is all sorted. Wearing a (preferably retro styles floral patterned) dress, with a pair of darker coloured stockings and a cute cardigan or a cute jacket will keep you not only warm but will keep you looking your best with looking too over the top with your layers and to top it off a nice sized handbag to keep all your accessories in . So we’re saying a welcoming hello to our Autumny Wintery weather and goodbye to summer weather.
- texturemagazine (:

Monday, April 26, 2010


New month, New season, New issue!
Well this issues we've had stacks of fun, interviewing and talking about some of the coolest chicks ever.

Last issue we asked for your opinion on what you want to see in this month’s issue and we promised you a good issue (as always) so here’s what you guys wanted. We have also as you know given you a cute gift; a littel birdee’ tee, valued at $35! And hope you guys love it as much as we do.

We’ve just started up our new online blog for the magazine, how amazing is it so far?
P.S, Leave your feedback and comments.
There will be a post on our spring music festival we’re throwing in September, you can win tickets, a new wardrobe and heaps of accessories! So keep checking back for that post and the details on it.
We have also thrown into the magazine a few free music downloads from the some of the hottest
bands that will be playing live at our festival so you can be up to date with the good tunes. (thank you to the bands for the free downloads that as well. )

have a great month!
ciao, xo.
- texturemagazine (: